Collagen : The Structural integrity of our body. - Sharrets Nutritions LLP

Collagen : The Structural integrity of our body.

Collagen is a protein, but no ordinary protein.

Collagen defines the structural integrity of our bodies and contributes greatly to the vitality that is typically associated with youth. As the body ages, collagen supplies and the ability to regenerate them decrease. This compromises structural integrity, leading to overall degradation of cell form and function. Collagen is the most abundant protein

in the human body, and can be found in bones, skin, organs, muscles, eyes, nails,

teeth, and hair. Best known for their ability to help connective tissue stay

vibrant and flexible, collagen proteins serve two main functions in the body: structure and regeneration.

fish collagen peptide benefits

STRUCTURE : Collagen is the primary structural component for all tissue in the body, providing the strength, tenacity and resilience we rely on daily.

REGENERATION: Collagen aids in regenerating and forming new tissue. Depending on how it is arranged, collagen forms the basis for either rock-hard bone or soft, pliable skin.

True science: collagen depletion

Although abundant in our youth, the body’s natural Collagen production typically slows at a rate of 1.5% per year after the age of 25. As Collagen production slows, Collagen fibers in the body become brittle and begin to break down, resulting in many of the telltale signs of aging such as wrinkles, tendon injuries, and joint pain.

Therefore, Collagen supplementation is a crucial part of a healthy regimen for youthful vitality.



  • 70% of the skin is made of Collagen Type 1&3
  • Collagen aids in the transport of nutrients to the hair shaft
  • Collagen supports hair and nail thickness and strength


  • 100% of tendons are made of Collagen Type 1&3
  • 86% of ligaments are made of Collagen Type 1&3
  • 60% of cartilage is made of Collagen Type 2


  • Over one third of healthy bone is composed of Collagen


Collagen proteins are responsible for regenerating and forming new tissue.

Worker cells in the body produce a Collagen fiber matrix to form the structure of tissues. Over time, the Collagen fibers naturally break down into disorganized Collagen fragments known as peptides, which float loosely in the extracellular fluid. To compensate for the lost Collagen fibers, worker cells have molecular receptors that detect the presence of these loose peptides. Once the loose Collagen peptides build up to a certain concentration in the extracellular fluid, the molecular receptors “turn on” the worker cells and new Collagen fibers are produced.

However, this regeneration cycle of Collagen fibers slows down as we age, resulting in fewer replacement Collagen fibers and a weakened Collagen matrix in the body’s tissues. This degrading matrix of Collagen fibers results in many signs of aging, such as wrinkling skin, thinning hair, and less stable connective tissue.

But there is a solution. By supplementing with Sharrets CPH+ , additional Collagen peptides are introduced into the extracellular fluid. The molecular receptors of the worker cells are “turned on” more frequently, thus continuing the regeneration cycle at a healthy rate, and rebuilding the Collagen matrix more quickly.

True science: natural law of regeneration

All natural systems exist in a fluid equilibrium of continuous replenishment, renewal, and decay, regulated by equal and opposing forces. Imbalance in these forces leads either to adaptation or system decline and eventually failure. Sophisticated natural systems, biological or ecological, maintain a feedback loop that detects and responds to significant changes that would otherwise alter the harmony of the system, thus sustaining vitality and enabling adaptation.

Sharrets CPH+ Collagen is formulated to work with your body’s natural regenerative cycles.

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