MCT Reserach I MCTs Do - Diet's Don't work.
While you may have lost some weight dieting, were you able to keep it off for good? If not, you’re in the majority. This is because diets are fundamentally unsustainable.
To lose excess body weight permanently and of course , healthfully , it takes quality and patience upgrades to your habits of eating and exercise.
The good news? Lasting weight loss is attainable when you:
- Increase your level of activities .
- Dedicate yourself to a nutrient rich diets.
- Let go of counting calories & aimed on creating healthy habits that last.
We understand this is a slow progression and hard to stick to, that is why we created our Medium Chain Triglyceride products to help expedite the process and promote quick weight loss.
The idea is a myth that eating healthful fat makes you fat . Eating refined carbs, sugar, trans fat, & highly processed veg. oils makes you fat !
The body is an adaptive organism regulating hormone secretion & enzyme production in response to the food we eat.
So, when you incorporate more MCTs, your body becomes more efficient at mobilizing fat stores as energy.
As a result, even in the presence of some carbs , the body will begin breaking down its own fat to power ordinary, everyday functions. (Which means quick weight loss ! )
Here are some compelling studies that demonstrates how incorporating Medium Chain Triglycerides i.e. MCT oil can benefit you lose the weight and keep it off:
- MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) given over a six day period was shown to enhance metabolism by 50%
- Metabolism may remain elevated for at least Twenty Four hours after eating a meal that includes Medium chain Triglycerides (MCTs).
- During a high-calorie diet consisting of either 40 percent fat as MCTs or 40 percent fat as Long chain Triglycerides (LCTs), the MCT group burned almost 2x the number of calories in the LCT group
- About One to Two TBSP of MCT oil / day resulted in a lower endpoint body weight than did the same amount of olive oil during a Sixteen week weight-loss program.
Also, those in the Medium chain Triglycerides , MCT oil group trended towards greater fat loss & less abdominal fat mass than those in the group of olive oil .
After consuming a meal containing Medium chain triglycerides , normal-weight people increased their energy expenditure by as much as 48 percent , while overweight participants increased theirs by as much as 65 percent.
Several studies , papers , books support the claims that Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) can aid in weight loss, increase physical endurance, help maintain cognitive health, and provide antioxidant support .
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